Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011


International School:
In Guidelines for Quality Assurance Standard School mentioned that the International School is a school that has met who have met all Nasioanl Education Standards (SNP) and enriched by reference to the State educational standards one member Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) or the State Another advance that has particular advantages in education, so it has competitiveness in international fora.
While the OECD stands for Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development or an organization of cooperation among countries in the field of economics and development. Members of these organizations usually have certain advantages in the field of education which has been internationally recognized standard. Which included members of the OECD are: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czechs Republic, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, USA and others.
In principle, international school should be able to provide quality assurance of education with higher standards of the National Education Standards.
There are 4 International School quality assurance criteria, are as follows:
1. Minimum Accreditation received the title A of the Accreditation Board for accreditation of the School and one of the OECD member countries.
2. Content Curriculum subjects must be equal or higher than one member of the OECD countries.
3. Learning Process and Application of Technology-based learning Computer Science in all subjects, have a library with digital facilities that provide access to ICT based learning resources across the globe, and is equipped with multi-media room, art show space, sports facilities, clinics, and forth.
4. Teachers Educators group of subjects of science, mathematics, and able to administer vocational core learning English. Other additional indicator is the number of teachers who educated S2/S3 at least 10% for primary schools, at least 20% for SMT / MTs, and at least 30% SMA / SMK / MA / MAK.

EXAMPLE: SMAN 3 Semarang

National Schools Plus:
In the last 10-12 years, the development of education in Indonesia is very rapid, marked with many new schools are popping up. Part of the new schools are using the curriculum from abroad as an added value offered to prospective students. Comes the term "National School Plus".
This term generally refers to schools that use the Indonesian National curriculum or curriculum and other such combination with the curriculum of another country or from a specific accreditation bodies.
Instructional materials submitted are the materials published by Cambridge
University. While the most popular international curriculum in national plus schools in Indonesia is the International Baccalaureate (IB) and Cambridge International Examinations (CIE). The siswapun have access to enter universities abroad are more likely to choose students who already have the results of these assessments. Materials The History and Geography from Cambridge University also summarizes the history of world geography of the world, causing the students are ready to be a citizen of the world because the embedded value of the school is a form of knowledge of the world (global knowledge).
Characteristics of National Plus Schools are as follows:
1. Learning centers on siswa.siswa must determine the target, how to learn, process assessment and determination of learning resources.
2. Assessment is continuous and varied. Assessment becomes a very important process in the learning process students unruk help them identify the strengths and weaknesses so that they have good self knowledgw.
3. Using language that is used Introduction to English as the primary language of instruction.
4. Learning Outcomes That is about the development and use of national & international curriculum.
7. Resources and Facilities Adequacy of resources and facilities to achieve the desired learning outcomes such as pupil-teacher ratio and safety standards.

EXAMPLE: Raffless Jakarta International School


International Standard School in Indonesia using curricula from developed countries which have certain advantages in education and enriched by local superior educational content. While the National School Plus, as the name implies, uses a national curriculum is enriched with superior educational content of local or international standard curricula from developed countries.
Based on the concept they will be, further assessment of the National Schools Plus can be done through quality assessment in terms of educational standards, standards of educators and education personnel, facilities, financing, management and the competence of graduates.
Standard School School of International and National Plus both the process learn to teach the syllabus and the International standard material with an interactive method of one of the developed countries, then the graduates will follow the international standard certification held by one of the relevant countries, ijasahnya recognized and graduates are able to continuing education of international standard to overseas and domestic. Thus, they have competitive power in international forums.
From the above, the only difference lies in:

International standard schools:
1. Public school
2. Using the money base and a different entrance tests of school programs
regular country concerned (or another public school)
3. Bilingual
4. Using the curriculum in addition to national curriculum
5. Local teaching staff

National Schools Plus:
1. Is a private school
2. Open to the general public (not like an international school referral
Ministry of National Education)
3. English as a language major
4. Using the curriculum in addition to national curriculum
5. There is a foreign national faculty
6. Having an international accreditation (tentative)

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